Who is Amirrudin Ong?

So, who am I? Am I muslim? Is my mother a chinese, my father a malay? I even heard stories about how the public concluded my life without even knowing anything. Born into this world as a Chinese and embraced Islam as my religion in the later part of my life. Yes! I am a Chinese. I am not born as a Muslim, My parents are both Chinese. I hope I’ve cleared some misinformation you have heard of me over the years.

As a child, I was taken care of by my mother’s friend, whom I called her aunt Jenny and until now, someone who is very close to me, just like my family. I grew up under her care as my parents were always not at home. Aunt Jenny owns a humble chicken rice stall which I spent my childhood days at. Yes! I ate lots of drumsticks as I grew up. Since young, I was in the kitchen and at the age of 18, I was in charge of a western food stall which her son used to own. That was where I learnt all my cooking skills from.

During exam period, no kids would want to play with me during weekdays under the void deck because my academic studies weren’t that good. It came to a point where I tried to play with other kids, their parents will ask them not to play with me because I cannot study. Yeah, it happened. It was indeed sad. The only thing I asked for was to find someone to kick the soccer ball and pass it back to me. Does that require academic studies to be good? There was also one time, I trusted this friend of mine who excelled in Maths to solve a question for me but he taught me the wrong thing. It was only a few years later I found out he did it with a bad intention. Well, I still see them around and I believe what goes around, comes around. They have gotten their own share of retribution or whatever you call it. I was in normal academy and then I rose up to be in the express class where I topped in Chemistry and Art. Yeah, I was dubbed a black horse back then.

Soccer was like my life back then as a kid till the age of 18 years old. My dream was to be the best goalkeeper in Pandan Gardens. I totally quit soccer in 2011 because I was at a crossroad, it was either soccer or bodybuilding. I also used to play the guitar and keyboard excessively as I don’t have internet access during those days. Ah, yes I do have friendster account but could only be able to check in school. Look at how ‘destroyed’ we are with the current social media, haha.

I started lifting weights at the age of 16 in 2002 and had my first bodybuilding contest in 2006 where I got last place. I gave up straight after that actually. I told myself I don’t want to lift anymore. All the dieting and hard work had gone to waste. I stopped going back to the gym for 1 week. But my inner soul revived me. I crawled back. I restarted. Just as I progressed smoothly, I was enlisted into the Singapore Armed Forces where I was trained to be an officer. Lifting was ceased for my entire 2 years in camp. Running was the only thing I did.

It was then the year 2012, my girlfriend back then (Now my wife), encouraged me to compete again. I took up the challenge and competed in Singapore’s 50th National Bodybuilding Championship under 75kg category and got 2nd place. In 2014, it was the year where I found my mentor, Nazarudin Seladin and I competed again in South East Asia Championships under 85kg category, I got 2nd place again. In 2015, I decided do something challenging and to see how my body will react; doing back to back contests. I went Fitwhey Classic in Thailand, got into top 15 but wasn’t good enough to qualify top 5. Following week, I went Shawn Rhoden Classic in Philippines and gotten 4th place. Finally, back in Singapore, I won my category, in Ironmanfitness contest. I cried when my name was mentioned. Flashbacks of all the years I’ve struggled, all the hard work and time I have given to Bodybuilding, day in day out even when faced with the most adverse adversities, I pushed on and never give up.

I quit my job as an Arborist(Tree Doctor) in National Parks Board after working for almost 4 years. I was at my peak of my career when I quit to join the fitness industry.

Besides lifting, I play musical instruments like Guitar, Piano, Percussion. My greatest achievement was placing top 10 and having a self-composed music being produced in a CD in 2010, Eco Music Challenge. And yes, I am still playing them.

As a guy from a musical background, I listened to all kinds of music ranging from reggae, old school metal, new age, epic music. You can follow me on Spotify here:- https://open.spotify.com/user/1182869776 to see more. I also do paint with acrylic paints, drawings and all. I would make an effort to at least do one simple painting when I am overseas. Then in 2010, I started doing Military diorama and painting figures.

Being a person who loves art of war, I was drawn into the history of romance of three kingdoms, medieval age knights or any warrior-like figurines.

So what is this website for? As I acquire valuable knowledge along the way, I would like to share these insights with the general public who are always misinformed about the truth and facts of Fitness. Too many myths and fake stories had been around to delude the crowd. I am trying all my best to de-bunk all these and help as many people as possible. Also, as a skinny teenager, I have wasted time trying a lot of stupid ways just to bulk up. To all aspiring teenagers, I don’t wish you to fall into my footsteps and waste time. I rather have you on the right track from the start.

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Your coach,

Amirrudin Ong.